Why You Might Need A Plumber

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From Toilets to Hose Spigots

What do toilets and hose spigots have in common? Well, they both use water. They're also both installed by a plumber — or at least they should be. Plumbers have a pretty broad spectrum of work, which is not something we think about often enough. They need a lot of knowledge to do their jobs because one day they might be installing a toilet, and the next, they may be cleaning out a sewer vent. No two days are the same when you are a plumber! This blog will share more insights and information about plumbers' jobs and the incredible work they do.


Why You Might Need A Plumber

4 August 2021
 Categories: , Blog

Plumbers are not just there to fix immediate and very obvious problems like burst pipes or clogged drains; they should also be called when you have ongoing but minor issues. There is no need to withhold good plumbing from yourself when there are so many qualified plumbers out there who can fix virtually any problem you have in short order. Before you just resign yourself to another year of an annoying plumbing problem, here are three of the most common reasons to contact a plumber so that you can feel more comfortable in your own home.

Dripping Taps

Whether it is your bath or your kitchen sink, there is nothing more annoying than the sound of a steadily dripping tap. In fact, it is so bad that a specific form of torture has been developed specifically around this phenomenon. Dripping faucets can seem impossible to fix on your own, but it is usually a very simple job for a plumber. It might be that the seal is a little loose or perhaps the tap itself is old. Whatever the case may be, dripping taps can be replaced within an hour most of the time, and you are left with a brand new tap that should last for years on end.

Disgusting Smells

You clean and clean your bathrooms and kitchen, yet somehow not be able to get rid of a certain smell. You can use all the cleaning products you want, but if the smell is coming from an open drain or your pipes, you will almost never be able to get rid of it on your own. Plumbers deal with these foul problems all the time, especially in older homes. It might be a bit more of an in-depth fix than a dripping tap, but rest assured that a bad smell emanating from your pipes cannot hide from a plumber for long.

Erratic Water Pressure Problems

If you commonly find that your taps, or any water outlet including your shower, is sputtering and shooting out random amounts of water not based on your commands, then you could be looking at any number of issues. A broken pipe further down the line could be causing this but so could an old pressure regulator. This problem can be a little bit dangerous, so it is always best to call a plumber sooner rather than later so you get nice and smooth flowing water once again.