4 Common Water Heater Installation Mistakes to Avoid

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From Toilets to Hose Spigots

What do toilets and hose spigots have in common? Well, they both use water. They're also both installed by a plumber — or at least they should be. Plumbers have a pretty broad spectrum of work, which is not something we think about often enough. They need a lot of knowledge to do their jobs because one day they might be installing a toilet, and the next, they may be cleaning out a sewer vent. No two days are the same when you are a plumber! This blog will share more insights and information about plumbers' jobs and the incredible work they do.


4 Common Water Heater Installation Mistakes to Avoid

3 February 2022
 Categories: , Blog

Are you searching for a water heater replacement to improve your family's comfort and convenience? Replacing a water heater offers several benefits, including lower power bills, water economy, and most importantly, a better hot water supply. While there may be a better version of what you currently have, it is better to have a more open mind when shopping for a new water heater. Here are some of the mistakes you should avoid:

1. Underestimating Hot Water Demand 

When planning a water heater replacement, it is important to determine the hot water demand of your household. Overlooking the increased demand brings back the old problem of inconvenience from inadequate hot water.

You can make fairly accurate estimates by calculating the number of members in your household, their shower habits, and the length of showers. This way, you are assured of a better and timely hot water supply when needed.

2. Overlooking New Technology 

Water heater technology has not been left behind in technological advances. You should not overlook new features based on cost. You risk missing convenience, efficiency, and safety advantages.

For example, you can now have a smart thermostat that allows you to control the temperature of your water heater remotely. This technology is convenient for homeowners who are away from home and need to lower the temperature of their water heater. 

3. Overlooking Energy Efficiency   

A common mistake is to go for a water heater that offers the highest capacity without considering its energy efficiency. It can be counterproductive in the long term as it will result in higher power bills. 

You should consider a water heater's Energy Star rating to compare energy efficiencies. You should also ask the plumber for recommendations on conventional and tankless water heaters and their respective efficiencies, depending on your hot water needs. 

4. DIY Heater Installation   

While it may save you some money, it is not a good idea to install a water heater on your own. It is difficult, and you might configure the heater in a way that puts your family at risk. You also void your warranty by using unskilled labor.

Always use a qualified, experienced, and licensed plumber, probably an authorized dealer from the brand you pick. You get a functional installation with the right safety settings. The plumber will also provide continued support under warranty.

Has your current water heater become inadequate in meeting the family's hot water demands? Talk to a plumbing company such as Quality Plumbing about a suitable water heater replacement to meet your family's needs.