When Is A Water Well Pump Replacement The Best Option?

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What do toilets and hose spigots have in common? Well, they both use water. They're also both installed by a plumber — or at least they should be. Plumbers have a pretty broad spectrum of work, which is not something we think about often enough. They need a lot of knowledge to do their jobs because one day they might be installing a toilet, and the next, they may be cleaning out a sewer vent. No two days are the same when you are a plumber! This blog will share more insights and information about plumbers' jobs and the incredible work they do.


When Is A Water Well Pump Replacement The Best Option?

9 March 2022
 Categories: , Blog

Are you frustrated by the erratic flow of your well water? The most likely cause of this irregular supply would be low water levels, but a malfunctioning water well pump could also contribute to this problem. A faulty water pump will often cause low water pressure and eventually no water when it breaks down totally. If you've recently confirmed the well water levels are okay and there is no power outage, the next sensible conclusion would be the water pump is faulty. When does it make sense to do water well pump replacement?

1. The Pump is Too Old

Water pumps have a limited lifespan. If the water pump is several decades old, it's time to consider replacing it. Pump replacement is more cost-effective than repairing an old pump. It's also more environmentally friendly because you're not adding to the already high levels of waste.  

Your plumber will inform you of the expected lifespan of different pumps. If it is a submersible pump, you can estimate the age by looking at the zoning papers regarding the water well. 

2. The Repair Bills Are Too High   

If your water well pump has not yet reached its lifespan, but you've had to make a lot of repairs, you may want to consider a replacement. In this case, most of your money goes towards water well pump repairs and not towards buying a new well pump. 

Another scenario would be a catastrophic failure of some expensive water pump parts. This is more likely with an above-ground water pump, which is often exposed to different risks. For example, playing children, vandals, or animals can damage the pump in one way or another, damaging it irreversibly.

3. Undersized Pump With Poor Pressure   

When the flow rate of your water pump is too low, the pressure in your water tank will also be low. This can lead to insufficient pressure for the water lines and household appliances. A smaller pump may be more efficient if you have a small water tank.  

However, if you've got a big family and a big house, you'll need a bigger pump to keep up with demand. A water well pump replacement is the most optimal solution.

4. Oversize Pump Pushing Debris  

Your water well pump should have a check valve installed in the suction line to prevent debris from entering the pump shaft seals. The check valve allows water to enter the pump but no other contaminants. However, an oversize pump has too much suction; it sucks up other debris. As a result, you will notice the water is too dirty. Again, replacement with a pump of the appropriate size would be best.

Is your water well system performing below expectations? Talk to a plumber about a water well pump replacement to restore optimal water supply. 

For more information on a water well pump replacement, contact a company near you.