Three Signs You Need A Video Camera Inspection During Professional Drain Cleaning

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What do toilets and hose spigots have in common? Well, they both use water. They're also both installed by a plumber — or at least they should be. Plumbers have a pretty broad spectrum of work, which is not something we think about often enough. They need a lot of knowledge to do their jobs because one day they might be installing a toilet, and the next, they may be cleaning out a sewer vent. No two days are the same when you are a plumber! This blog will share more insights and information about plumbers' jobs and the incredible work they do.


Three Signs You Need A Video Camera Inspection During Professional Drain Cleaning

8 June 2022
 Categories: , Blog

Professional drain cleaning is a crucial step in residential plumbing maintenance. It eliminates clogs and promotes faster and more efficient drainage. Cleaning also prevents sewer odors and extends the lifespan of the drain pipes. The cleaning process also presents the perfect opportunity to inspect your drains. But when is video camera inspection necessary? Should it be a routine exercise every time you clean your drains? Here are three signs you should conduct a video camera inspection during drain cleaning.

Stubborn Drain Clogs

Do you have a drain blockage that can't be effectively resolved using cleaning tools such as augers and drain snakes? Minor clogs in residential drains are easy to resolve using tools and DIY cleaners such as baking soda, vinegar, and hot water. However, if these basic techniques aren't working, you need to inspect the drains for underlying problems. A drain inspection will unearth the cause of the blockage, allowing your plumber to find the best method for clearing the clogs.

Repetitive Backups in Multiple Drains

Are your drains getting blocked frequently, even after using basic cleaning techniques? Are you dealing with multiple blocked drains in your home? If so, you probably have a blocked sewer line. Sewer line clogs are difficult to resolve using plungers, drain snakes, and DIY cleaners. They usually occur due to:

  • Tree roots growing inside the sewer pipe
  • A sagging pipe due to ground movement
  • A massive clog caused by fat, oil, and grease
  • Blockage from debris due to pipe corrosion

If a sewer pipe has the above problems, it needs cleaning and repair. You require highly pressurized water to break down the clog and clear the pipes. After cleaning, inspect the sewer drains to determine the appropriate course of action. If your pipes are corroded or severely damaged by tree roots, replace them to prevent repetitive blockages.

Evidence of Sewer Leaks

Sewer leaks are characterized by unpleasant odors, lush vegetation, and unusually wet spots in the yard. Sewer leaks accompanied by blocked drains indicate a problem with the sewer drains. Therefore, merely unclogging and cleaning the pipes won't resolve the underlying problem. 

A video inspection can reveal the cause of the blockage and the condition of the piping. It can also pinpoint the exact location of the problem, enabling targeted and less-invasive repairs. For example, if the clogs and leaks have been caused by joint misalignment, you can use a video camera to locate and fix the affected joint. 

You are unlikely to need a video inspection every time you clean your drains. However, if you notice these warning signs, you should inspect the drain pipes to unearth the underlying drainage issues. Contact your plumber for professional drain cleaning and inspection.