Different Ways To Keep Your Residential Drains Clog-Free

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From Toilets to Hose Spigots

What do toilets and hose spigots have in common? Well, they both use water. They're also both installed by a plumber — or at least they should be. Plumbers have a pretty broad spectrum of work, which is not something we think about often enough. They need a lot of knowledge to do their jobs because one day they might be installing a toilet, and the next, they may be cleaning out a sewer vent. No two days are the same when you are a plumber! This blog will share more insights and information about plumbers' jobs and the incredible work they do.


Different Ways To Keep Your Residential Drains Clog-Free

30 November 2022
 Categories: , Blog

Blocked drains can be stressful. Aside from stopping you from using the sinks, tubs, showers, toilets, and other plumbing fixtures in your home, they can cause flood damage. The best way to keep your drains functioning smoothly is to take proper care of them. Here are some helpful tips for preventing drain clogs. 

Be Kind To Your Drains

One of the main reasons why residential drains become clogged is because of improper use. Your drains are not trash cans, so you should avoid putting unacceptable items inside them. Some everyday items that don't belong in your residential drains include:

  • Food scraps
  • Cooking fats, oils, and grease
  • Cigarette butts
  • Cat litter
  • Baby diapers and wipes
  • Cosmetic wipes
  • Female hygiene products
  • Children's toys 

Installing plumbing devices like hair catchers, grease traps, and garbage disposals can help keep problematic waste items out of your drains.

Clean Your Drains Regularly

The wastewater exiting your home via the various drain pipes contains solid waste, which leads to sludge buildup inside the pipes. Left unaddressed, the sludge can build up to the point of causing your drains to get clogged. Regular drain cleaning is necessary to remove the debris accumulating in your drains, ensuring the unobstructed flow of wastewater. If your drains are draining slowly, making a gurgling sound, or releasing sewer odors into your home, it's probably time to clean them.

Avoid Using Chemical Drain Cleaners

Commercially available drain cleaning chemicals are a fast and easy way to deal with slow drains, but they often do more harm than good. When poured down your drains, these caustic cleaners can cause corrosion of the metal pipes, leading to premature pipe replacement. If you cannot clear blockages with basic plumbing tools like plungers and drain augers, it's best to enlist the help of a fully-trained and experienced plumber.

Get Your Drains Checked When Issues Arise

One of the biggest mistakes you can make as a homeowner is thinking that your problematic drains will fix themselves. Far from it, drain issues only worsen with time if left unchecked. The best way to avoid a plumbing disaster is to take corrective action immediately after you see or suspect you have wastewater drainage problems.

Keeping your residential drains clog-free isn't a solo effort: it's a concerted one. Get in touch with a professional plumber to complement what you do to keep your drains flowing freely.

Contact a local plumbing service to learn more.