Residential Water Heater - Useful Shopping Tactics For Homeowners

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Residential Water Heater - Useful Shopping Tactics For Homeowners

17 July 2023
 Categories: , Blog

If your home's water heater reaches the end of its lifespan, start looking at replacement options. You can manage the search for one like a pro if you take a couple of smart measures. 

Go With the Same Power Source

If your home currently has a water heater that you're replacing, it's best to use the same power source because it will save you from expensive renovations. For instance, if you have a gas-powered furnace, buy the same type of water heater.

Conversely, if your water heater is electric, find a new model that runs off electricity. Sticking to the same power source can make water heater installation a breeze for yourself or the installation contractor you hire. 

Get a Capacity That Makes Sense For Your Household 

If you plan to buy a water heater with a tank, it can only hold so much water at a time. You can choose from different gallon sizes, but to find the perfect match, consider the number of people in your household and how they use hot water.

For instance, if you have five or more family members who use a lot of hot water, you'll need a bigger tank than if your family is small and there are fewer bathrooms in the household. As long as you get a suitable capacity, you'll avoid running out of hot water.  

Review Water Heater Tests 

Before you purchase a residential water heater, take some time to go through tests that show how various models performed under practical simulations. You should be able to see how energy-efficient and safe different water heaters perform. 

As long as you review these performance tests with various units, you can find out which model provides your home and family with the best value long-term. 

Rent a Heater if Unsure

Even after researching residential water heaters, you may still be unsure about which model to buy. Instead of just guessing, it might be best to rent a water heater. Many suppliers offer water heater rentals today.

Over the next few months, you can assess significant details with the water heater, including its efficiency, ease of use, and longevity. If you're happy with the unit, you can return the rental unit and buy the same model outright when you have the money. 

At some point, you'll need to replace your home's water heater. You won't regret a new water heater investment if you get a system with the right power source, capacity, and designs. 

Reach out to a local service, such as Efficient Water Heaters Inc, to learn more.